Entries by admin

Basic 8915-F Instructions for 2021

Basic 8915-F Instructions for reporting 1/3 of the 2020 Gross Distribution in 2021.  Typical scenario:  In 2020 the Taxpayer took a distribution of 60,000 from a Non IRA retirement account and he also took a 30,000 distribution from an IRA. For 2020 form 8915-E was filed and 1/3 of these distributions were included in the […]


Below you will find all the recordings, additional information as well as a list of the prize winners for each session.  This page will be updated with additional recordings and information over the week of the seminar.

Information Regarding Child Tax Credit Advance Payments External Inbox

With the announcement of the Child Tax Credit advance payments, we felt the need to add an additional client listing report and excel export option. This is to aid you in your communication efforts with your clients and offer applicable notifications and advice. The IRS is sending some letters to taxpayers with additional information and […]


1. Back-Up and Protect Your Data As the tax preparer, backing up and protecting your data should be a primary concern. Making regular backups to an external storage device at a minimum of once per week is important. Imagine next week your hard drive fails. The returns you’ve done, acknowledgement reports, PDF copies, and scanned […]

Updated Unemployment Compensation Exclusion

The IRS revised their unemployment exclusion worksheet today. The change basically excludes the Unemployment subtraction from MAGI calculation in the forms and worksheets listed in the IRS link listed below. We have applied these worksheet changes to the Wintax – 1040 program and they are available in the latest update.

What can I do with my Economic Impact Payment on a prepaid debit card?

What can I do with my Economic Impact Payment on a prepaid debit card? Millions of people will get their Economic Impact Payment by prepaid debit card Issue Number: COVID Tax Tip 2020-61 Nearly four million people are being sent their Economic Impact Payment by prepaid debit card, instead of paper check. The determination of […]

Why the Economic Impact Payment amount could be different than anticipated

Why the Economic Impact Payment amount could be different than anticipated IR-2020-93, May 11, 2020 WASHINGTON — The IRS and Treasury have successfully delivered nearly 130 million Economic Impact Payments to Americans in less than a month, and more are on the way. Some Americans may have received a payment amount different than what they […]