Entries by admin

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

By King T. Dalton, CPA and Founder of Taxware Systems, Inc. This is a preliminary analysis of the new tax act that will affect 2018 tax returns, and is based on my understanding of the new law, which may need further clarification. The analysis is not intended to be complete, but to provide a guide […]

Remotely Signing the 8879

The IRS requires that an 8879 be signed by the taxpayer before the 1040 can be efiled. Usually this would be a physical signature in person, but there are ways to do this without the taxpayer stepping foot into your office. A great solution for remotely signing an 8879 is the Adobe Acrobat program. This […]

Planning for Next Year

When tax season is over, we in the tax industry want to let everything go until extensions are due. While time off is often well-deserved, there are some easy things you can do to get your clients–and yourself–ready for next tax season well before January.

Before Disaster Strikes

In the tax industry, you could say that we have learned to expect the unexpected, especially with tax laws being updated consistently throughout the tax year. What about fires, power outages or even cybercrime? No one knows when disasters will strike, but as a taxpayer and a tax professional, you can be ready to combat […]

Missed the Deadline? Helpful Hints

The tax deadline for most taxpayers was April 18th, 2017. If for some reason your client missed the deadline without filing an extension, here are some helpful hints about what to do next. File and Pay: For a client who owes tax, let them know they should file and pay as soon and as much as […]

What to Do About an IRS Notice or Letter

If a client coming to your office receives a notice or letter from the IRS, your client might come to you for help, and you need to know how to respond. Here are some tips should your clients get a notice from the IRS. Do NOT Ignore It: In most cases, notices from the agency can […]

Mid-Season Tax Tips

We are consistently busy in the tax industry, and as a tax professional, just as you get over one hurdle you are prepping for another. April 18th will be here before long, but don’t be caught unawares. Here are some tips to help you wrap up a successful season. Keep Records Safe: Store client data, paper […]

Top Taxware Questions Answered

At Taxware Systems, we want to help you get tax returns processed quickly and efficiently. Here are the top questions we’ve received during tax season and their answers. Q: The 8863 amount is not appearing on the 1040! What’s going on? A: The IRS has added new due diligence requirements recently, not just for Earned Income […]

Tax Time Tips Part II

In the midst of tax season, we in the industry are hard at work trying to get returns filed quickly and correctly. Here are some hints to help you and your clients even after they walk out the door. Where’s My Refund: The “Where’s My Refund” tool, found on the IRS website, is a quick and […]

Itemizing or Standard Deduction

Most taxpayers claim the standard deduction when they file a federal tax return, but some filers could lower their tax bill by itemizing. Here are some tips as you try to help your client file an accurate and advantageous tax return. Figuring Itemized Deductions: Add up deductible expenses the client paid during the year, which include […]